
Finding Inspiration in All Places

Some people have trouble finding inspiration for anything you can think of. Whether you're looking to produce a new piece for your design portfolio, or simply looking for inspiration for an eyeshadow look (like me). One thing that always stumps me is trying to find a new color palette. Colors are very versatile elements of everyday life, and while it's easy it overlook the beauty of color, it's even easier to just shake your mind clean and see things for what they really are. All it takes is a little concentration.

For example, lets take this photo and try and pull a beautiful color palette from it. Scan the image closely, and select colors that stand out to you.


Here's what I came up with:



Now let's try a picture that's filled with more attractive colors:






The next time you're looking for a bit of color inspiration, and you find yourself struggling to find it....STOP, empty your thoughts, stare at your surroundings (or a picture) with virgin eyes, appreciate, and pull from what you see. Doing this often will make you appreciate your surroundings and the world you live in a lot more. It's inspiring when you can truly see something for its real beauty... Stay tuned for a lot more of these color palette pulls in the future. I might do them weekly, so that you have somewhere to look for inspiration :)

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